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Fix your patch
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05-07-2024, 01:24 PM
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char stuck
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03-15-2024, 04:24 PM
» Replies: 1
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About NIKARINA x100
Forum: Information
Last Post: Admin
03-07-2024, 06:51 AM
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About NIKARI x10
Forum: Information
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02-05-2024, 04:52 PM
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Launched Dev Test NIKARI ...
Forum: NEWS
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01-14-2024, 05:32 PM
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Quest to Noblesse
Forum: Information
Last Post: Admin
12-22-2023, 07:45 PM
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» Views: 627

  Fix your patch
Posted by: lagos - 05-07-2024, 01:24 PM - Forum: TECNICAL SECTION - No Replies

hi, i dont see my nickname in game, i see just symbols

  char stuck
Posted by: kufar - 03-15-2024, 02:14 PM - Forum: TECNICAL SECTION - Replies (1)

I was with cursed weapon, disconnected and now i got error : History: FNCursedWeaponEffect::Init <- APawn::UpdateAbnormalState <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop

Star About NIKARINA x100
Posted by: Admin - 03-07-2024, 06:51 AM - Forum: Information - No Replies

[Image: x100.gif]

What awaits you on the server?
☻   No items affecting gameplay in the Donate shop (NO sale of weapons with LS, NO +16 enchanted armor and weapons, NO sale of skills, NO Epic jewelry).
☻   No Pay to Win and no patronage. To no one!
☻   Characters start at level 1 with Top-NG equipment.

Key Dates:
☻   Server start date: February 23 at 18:00 +2GMT.
☻  Test server is: Always ON. Or Off, whene admins do tests. Big Grin

Main Information:
☻   Profession is automatically chosen.
☻   Full functionality in Alt+B: shop, teleport, buffer, other auctions.
☻   Everyone starts with top NG gear.
☻   Automatic use of CP/HP and MP potions implemented.
☻   Premium buffs available with the purchase of one global premium.

☻   First profession cost - free.
☻   Second profession cost - free.
☻   Third profession - free.

☻   EXP/SP: x100
☻   Adena: x10
☻   Drop: x15
☻   Spoil: x15
☻   Seal Stone: x9
☻   Raid Boss: x5
☻   Quest: x15
Rates with premium account:
☻   Exp/Sp: x200
☻   Adena: x20
☻   Drop: x30
☻   Spoil: x30
☻   Seal Stone: x16
☻   Quest: x30
☻   Raid Boss: x10

*Attention! Premium account in a party works only if all party members have a premium account! 
If the conditions are not met, the drop is at a lower rate in the party, but you still get more experience with a premium account.

Server principles:
☻   There is no Pay to Win on the server in any form. The administration here is not boosting anyone!
☻   RMT is allowed on the server in any form. But remember, any complaint against the seller will be investigated and punished very harshly!

☻   TvT, CtF, DM, Dinamic PvP zone.

Sub-Class and Noblesse:
☻   Sub-Class does not require quest completion. Maximum of 4.
☻   Shortened Noblesse quest, ingredients sold for in-game currency.
☻   Respawn Noblesse RB = 6 hours (+- 30 minutes).
☻   Level of Noblesse RB and guards - 70.

Augmentation (Life Stone):
☻   Top Grade Life Stone drop chance from Tyrannosaurs - 50%.
☻   Chance to get skill from augmentation: Top LS - 10%, High LS - 7%, Mid LS - 3%, LS - 1%

Maximum enchant:
☻   Safe enchant +3.
☻   Weapon +16, armor +14, jewelry +14.

Clan System:
☻   All clan penalties canceled (except for disbanding a clan = 1 day).

☻   We fully allow RMT on the server!
☻   Unique rebirth system.
☻   The autofarm system is only for premium accounts.
☻   Full functionality Alt+B (Shop / Buffer / Teleport / Statistics / Class Manager).
☻   Up to 2 windows allowed.
☻   Champion mobs from level 1 to 85. Drop, Spoil x3 + 1 Medal 70%.
☻   Convenient and versatile GM Shop with items up to B grade!
☻   Convenient buffer with the ability to save profiles and pet buffs.
☻   36 slots available for buffs, all buffs last 2 hours.
☻   Global Gatekeeper quickly takes you to the most popular farming locations.
☻   Weight limit increased by 20 times.
☻   MP restoration per bank use - 1000.
☻   Protection against hacking your accounts! Hwid binding system / setting a password for the character.
☻   Offline trading, crafting.
☻   Invincibility after teleportation - 5 seconds.
☻   Player recovery on one account in case of critical hits.

Server Currency:
☻   Adena - main currency of the GM shop. Obtained from all monsters.
☻   Glittering Medal - can be obtained from events, champion mobs.
☻   Coin of Luck - can be obtained by making a donation to the project. Or purchased with PC points i game!

Commands available on the project:
☻   .menu - Additional player functions in one place: exp on/off, title with pvp/pk (live update), block buffs, auto pick up on/off, trade on/off, private messages on/off, screen text pop up like critical, damage and etc on/off, falling to textures auto correction, change password, repair character and auto potions (working with all potions).

☻   .boss - Simple and epic bosses in one place. Possible see alive status, dead time, boss lvl and clicked on boss name you can get location to the boss.

☻   .votereward - Vote system for reward.

☻   .bank - Adena and your chosen item exchanger.

☻   .sub - All sub-classes in one place.

☻   .dressme - skins system.

☻   .classs - opens class manager menu.

☻   .buff - opens buffs menu (same as npc).

☻   .shop - opens shop menu (same as npc).

☻   .gk - opens global gatekeeper menu (same as npc).

☻   .market - opens marketer menu (same as npc).

☻   .farm - auto farm feaature.

The administration reserves the right to make any changes. Heart

Star About NIKARI x10
Posted by: Admin - 02-05-2024, 04:52 PM - Forum: Information - No Replies

[Image: logonew.png]
What awaits you on the server?
☻   No items affecting gameplay in the Donate shop (NO sale of weapons with LS, NO +16 enchanted armor and weapons, NO sale of skills, NO Epic jewelry).
☻   No Pay to Win and no patronage. To no one!
☻   Characters start at level 1 with Top-NG equipment.

Key Dates:
☻   Server start date: February 23 at 18:00 +2GMT.
☻  Test server is: Always ON. Or Off, whene admins do tests. Big Grin

Main Information:
☻   Profession is automatically chosen.
☻   Full functionality in Alt+B: shop, teleport, buffer, other auctions.
☻   Everyone starts with top NG gear.
☻   Automatic use of CP/HP and MP potions implemented.
☻   Premium buffs available with the purchase of one global premium.

☻   First profession cost - free.
☻   Second profession cost - free.
☻   Third profession - free.

☻   EXP/SP: x10
☻   Adena: x1
☻   Drop: x5
☻   Spoil: x5
☻   Seal Stone: x3
☻   Raid Boss: x5
☻   Quest: x5
Rates with premium account:
☻   Exp/Sp: x20
☻   Adena: x2
☻   Drop: x10
☻   Spoil: x10
☻   Seal Stone: x6
☻   Quest: x10
☻   Raid Boss: x10

*Attention! Premium account in a party works only if all party members have a premium account! 
If the conditions are not met, the drop is at a lower rate in the party, but you still get more experience with a premium account.

Server principles:
☻   There is no Pay to Win on the server in any form. The administration here is not boosting anyone!
☻   RMT is allowed on the server in any form. But remember, any complaint against the seller will be investigated and punished very harshly!

☻   TvT, CtF, DM, Dinamic PvP zone.

Sub-Class and Noblesse:
☻   Sub-Class does not require quest completion. Maximum of 4.
☻   Shortened Noblesse quest, ingredients sold for in-game currency.
☻   Respawn Noblesse RB = 6 hours (+- 30 minutes).
☻   Level of Noblesse RB and guards - 70.

Augmentation (Life Stone):
☻   Top Grade Life Stone drop chance from Tyrannosaurs - 50%.
☻   Chance to get skill from augmentation: Top LS - 10%, High LS - 7%, Mid LS - 3%, LS - 1%

Maximum enchant:
☻   Safe enchant +3.
☻   Weapon +16, armor +14, jewelry +14.

Clan System:
☻   All clan penalties canceled (except for disbanding a clan = 1 day).

☻   We fully allow RMT on the server!
☻   The autofarm system is only for premium accounts.
☻   Full functionality Alt+B (Shop / Buffer / Teleport / Statistics / Class Manager).
☻   Up to 2 windows allowed.
☻   Champion mobs from level 1 to 85. Drop, Spoil x3 + 1 Medal 70%.
☻   Convenient and versatile GM Shop with items up to B grade!
☻   Convenient buffer with the ability to save profiles and pet buffs.
☻   36 slots available for buffs, all buffs last 2 hours.
☻   Global Gatekeeper quickly takes you to the most popular farming locations.
☻   Weight limit increased by 20 times.
☻   MP restoration per bank use - 1000.
☻   Protection against hacking your accounts! Hwid binding system / setting a password for the character.
☻   Offline trading, crafting.
☻   Invincibility after teleportation - 5 seconds.
☻   Player recovery on one account in case of critical hits.

Server Currency:
☻   Adena - main currency of the GM shop. Obtained from all monsters.
☻   Glittering Medal - can be obtained from events, champion mobs.
☻   Coin of Luck - can be obtained by making a donation to the project. Or purchased with PC points i game!

Commands available on the project:
☻   .menu - Additional player functions in one place: exp on/off, title with pvp/pk (live update), block buffs, auto pick up on/off, trade on/off, private messages on/off, screen text pop up like critical, damage and etc on/off, falling to textures auto correction, change password, repair character and auto potions (working with all potions).

☻   .boss - Simple and epic bosses in one place. Possible see alive status, dead time, boss lvl and clicked on boss name you can get location to the boss.

☻   .votereward - Vote system for reward.

☻   .bank - Adena and your chosen item exchanger.

☻   .sub - All sub-classes in one place.

☻   .dressme - skins system.

☻   .classs - opens class manager menu.

☻   .buff - opens buffs menu (same as npc).

☻   .shop - opens shop menu (same as npc).

☻   .gk - opens global gatekeeper menu (same as npc).

☻   .market - opens marketer menu (same as npc).

☻   .farm - auto farm feaature.

The administration reserves the right to make any changes.

Exclamation Launched Dev Test NIKARI server
Posted by: Admin - 01-14-2024, 05:32 PM - Forum: NEWS - No Replies

The test server has been launched. All residents are welcome to come in! This is not an OBT server. Server for testing and development! May not be 100% identical!

Question Quest to Noblesse
Posted by: Admin - 12-22-2023, 07:45 PM - Forum: Information - No Replies

1 Part - Possessor of a Precious Soul - 1
1. The quest for Noblesse begins in Aden. Looking for Talien. He stands on the stairs.
[Image: preview.png]
2. Teleport to Giran. In the square look for Gabrielle.
[Image: Gabrielle.png]
3. Teleport to Death Pass and look for Gilmore at the entrance to Dragon Valley.
[Image: Gilmore.png]
4. Teleport to Dion >> Beehive. Look for a cave in the rock.
We need to kill Baraham. After killing Baraham we get [Image: Legend%20of%20Seventeen.bmp] Legend of Seventeen. Back to Talien.
[Image: Baraham.png]
5. Teleport to Heine and look for Kantabilon.
[Image: Kantabilon.png]
6. Teleport to Dragon Valley. Looking for Malruk Succubus or Malruk Succubus Turen. From them we have to gather [Image: Claw.jpg] 10 Claws.
When you return to the dwarf he will give you [Image: Echo%20Crystal.bmp] Echo Crystal. Back to Talien.
[Image: Malruk.png]
7. Teleport to Hunters Village. At the guild of warriors look for Stedmiel. With this item we go back to Talien.

[Image: Stedmiel.png]
8. Teleport to Rune Township. Look for the dwarf Virgil.
[Image: Virgil.png]
9. Next to the gnome is an orc Ogmar. Talking to him.
[Image: Ogmar.png]
10. We run to the floor below and look for Rahorakti.
[Image: Rahorakti.png]
11. Teleport to the Swamp of Screams and kill any Stakato until you get [Image: Crimson%20Moss.bmp] 5 Crimson Moss.

With these items we return to Rahorakti.
[Image: Stakato.png]
12. Look for the dwarf Kassandra and give her the potion that Rahorakti prepared. Talk to Virgil.
[Image: Kassandra.png]
13. Teleport to Goddard and look for Caradine.
[Image: Caradine.png]
14. In the Goddard Forge look for Noel
Blacksmith will require 1 [Image: Hellfire%20Oil.jpg] Hellfire Oil and [Image: Lunargent.jpg] 5 Lunargent,

which you can get on the quest Supplier of Reagents or buy in GM Shop.
Back to Caradine. Get [Image: CaradinesLetter.bmp] Virgil's Letter. (1 of 4 parts of the nuble quest is complete)
[Image: Noel.png]
2 Part - Possessor of a Precious Soul - 2
1. Teleport to Rune Township and look for these three npc. They are standing on the balcony.

Talk to them in sequence: Virgil > Kassandra > Ogmar.
[Image: Rune3.png]
2. Teleport to the Swamp of Screams. Look for the Mysterious Dark Knight.
Search the dead angels that lie around the knight until we find [Image: Strand%20of%20Golden%20Hair.bmp] Strand of Golden Hair

After finding the item, we talk to Mysterious Dark Knight
[Image: Mysterious%20Dark%20Knight.png]
3. Teleport to Ivory Tower. Looking for the witch Kalis.
[Image: Kalis.png]
4. Looking for Matild. Take Sorcery Ingredient and take it to Kalis.
[Image: Matild.png]
5. Teleport to the Valley of Saints. Looking for the dead unicorn Fallen Unicorn.
We need to kill the monsters that are near the unicorn until we get [Image: Orb%20of%20Binding.bmp] 4 Orb of Binding.

Items must be used on the 4 columns surrounding the unicorn. After that, talk to the unicorn.
[Image: Fallen%20Unicorn.png]
[Image: Fallen%20Unicorn%20mob.png]
6. Return to Rune Township to Kassandra. Get [Image: CaradinesLetter.bmp] Caradine's Letter. (2 of the 4 parts of the nuble quest are complete)
[Image: Kassandra.png]
3 Part - Possessor of a Precious Soul - 3

1. Teleport to the Town of Goddard. Looking for Caradine. Next to her is Ossian. Talk to him too.
[Image: Caradine-Ossian.png]
2. Teleport to the Valley of Saints and look for Pilgrim of Splendor. Kill until we get [Image: Ring%20of%20Goddess%20Waterbinder.jpg] Ring of Goddess Waterbinder.
[Image: Pilgrim.png]
3. There we also look for the Judge of Splendor. Kill them until we get [Image: Necklace%20of%20Goddess%20EverGreen.jpg] Necklace of Goddess EverGreen.

After getting the ring and the necklace, go back to Ossian. He will send you to kill the Raid Boss.
[Image: Judge.png]
4. Teleport to the Valley of Saints. Looking for the boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel (Rebirth Boss: from 6 hours +- 30 minutes).
Required Item [Image: Staff%20of%20Goddess%20Rain%20Song.jpg] Staff of Goddess Rain Song will only go to the group that kills the boss.
[Image: Barakiel.png]
5. With the collected items we return to Ossian. We get [Image: Relic%20Box.bmp] Relic Box.

With this item we teleport to Ivory Tower and look for Ladd on the floor of the dark wizards.
We get [Image: CaradinesLetter.bmp] Caradine's Letter. (3 of the 4 parts of the nuble quest are complete)
[Image: Ladd.png]
4 Part - Possessor of a Precious Soul - 4

1. Teleport to the Town of Goddard. Looking for Caradine. She will teleport you to the Colosseum.
[Image: Caradine.png]
2. Looking for Lady of the Lake. The reward will be [Image: Noblesse%20Tiara.bmp] Noblesse Tiara and status Noblesse.
[Image: Lady.png]